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Starbucks Cup Design

1. How do you believe your design relates to the corporate Identity of your company?

I believe my design relates to the corporate identity of Starbucks, with the colors I've chosen and simplicity of the design.

2. How does your cup portray the “holiday”?

My cup portrays the "holiday" feel with using symbols like ornaments and snow.

3. Do you think that the company you designed for would really use your cup? Why or why not?

I believe that the company would use the cups because of its simplicity and how it captures the "holiday" feel.

4. What makes your Cup Unique and Different?

My cup is unique because of its colors scheme that correlates to the identity and the mixture between ornaments and snow.

5. Describe the process in which you took to create the cup? (From beginning to end)

My cup started out with the idea of ornaments. The ornaments would vary in size and would be randomly placed. Gradually, the color scheme changed from different colored ornaments to red and green to green and white. Later on, the idea of having snow came about and corresponded with the design cohesively.

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